국민대학교 글로벌창업벤처대학원 국민대학교 글로벌창업벤처대학원

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화성탐사와 (Pet)우주인연구 SCI급 저널 유럽출판 / 데이비드 윌리엄 김(교양대학) 교수


우리 대학  교양대학 데이비드 윌리엄 김(David William Kim)교수가 영국 왕립역사학회(The Royal Historical Society, UK) 석학회원이고 오스트레일리아 ANU-InSpace Mission Specialist로 활동하고 있는 가운데, 한국연구재단 특별프로젝트 일환 (2022-2025)으로 우주과학과 인문융합분야 (Space Science and Humanities Integrated Section)의 화성장기탐험 프로젝트에서 아직 영구미제로 남아있는 Human Research Programs (HRP)에 연관된 향후 화성우주인 (2034)의 Behavioural Health and Resilience 영역에 Pet Astronaut Companion이라는 새로운 이론성립한 연구성과를 space sciences, mental wellbeing, medicine, human factor, astrobiology, astrophysics, life science, space policy, security, space exploration, space safety 분야 과학자들 가운데 개척자적인 연구로 인정받아 이번에 유럽 SCI급저널 (INFORMATICA)에 출판하게 되었다. 


아래는 원문 (From Experimental Animal to Companion: Astronaut’s Behavioural Health and Resilience for Mars Exploration) 일부를 간략하게 소개하고 있다.


Space science has been developed through past and current missions of the International Space Station (ISS) and Tiangong Space Station (TSS) in low Earth orbit and on the lunar surface. Numerous missions have used animals on test flights to better understand the physiological dangers of space flight for humans. A contemporary focus of space exploration is long-duration crewed travel to establish a Moon station (2027) and reach Mars (2034). Are humans, then, ready to explore for Mars soon? What are major hazards that still need to be solved? Can animals play a novel role for humans in deep space travel?

This paper explored various cases of animal test subjects used for human’s space exploration. Monkeys (and rats) were common subjects in the USA, while the USSR typically used two dogs at each time in the early stage of the space project. Such a phenomenon of animal biological tests posed various ethical problems, leading to a shift in their use during the turn of the millennium. Since then, animal experiments have been conducted from an educational perspective of bioastronautics with small species, such as fish, spiders, cats, mice, rabbits, frogs, etc. 


The development of space medicine systematically improved the scientific and technological condition of astronauts. Yet, for future space travel, the sustainable maintenance of human behavioural health remained as one of the key hindrances to resolve. This paper, though not based on an empirical evaluation at this stage, argues a hypothetical countermeasure that the physical and psychological well-being of space crews in terms of risk management can be enhanced by the cognitive policy of a human-pet companionship, where animals are no longer experimental subjects but as fellow astronauts. 


The human-nonhuman bond, especially with dogs, can reduce work-related stress by facilitating communication and improving productivity (McDermott 2012). Various dog breeds and their traits are considered to estimate which would be most suitable for Mars exploration. Since they are naturally affectionate with people, the playfulness level of dogs, unlike AI pets, can encourage physical activity and cooperation among astronauts. The characters of friendliness, obedience, and protective instinct can benefit the mental, social, and physical health of humans, preventing from the natural symptoms of loneliness, mental breakdown, fear, and lethargy. The advantages of the junior female dog companion (2.5–3 years old) trained with astronaut candidates could undoubtedly contribute to the resilience and the welfare of astronauts during work, personal time, and community life. 


For further research, see: https://informaticajournal.com/informatica/index.php/pdf/stream/Qo65z/1725804547



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