영국 왕립역사학회 (The Royal Historical Society, United Kingdom)의 석학회원인 교양대학 데이비드 윌리엄 김(David William Kim)교수는 Asian History and Culture 분야에서 그의 비판적이고 합리적인 학문성을 인정받아 이번에 유럽에서 유명한 Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP)의 The Series in Modern East Asian Religion and Culture의 편집위원장 (Editor-in-Chief)로 임명되어 세계 10 개국 (미국, 영국, 오스트레일리아, 중국, 아일랜드, 싱가포르, 일본, 벨기에, 한국, 독일)의 15명의 편집위원들과 근대 동아시아 반식민지적 사회, 종교, 문화, 철학분야의 연구를 선도하게 되었다.
아래 원문은 영국 CSP에서 The Series in Modern East Asian Religion and Culture에 대해 간략히 소개하고 있다:

Asso. Prof. Dr. David William Kim
This series brings together theoretical, critical, empirical, and comparative works in the study of East Asia religions, communities and culture. Potential authors should explore phenomenological, anthropological, socio-political, transnational, or interdisciplinary perspectives in Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, New Religious Movements (NRMs), folk religions, Shamanism, Christianity, and other religious traditions in East Asia. The series is focused on religious customs, colonialism, human relationships, and conflicts and culture in the period of modern and contemporary East Asia (from 1500 AD onwards).
Manuscripts should show high quality scholarship through the systematic use of different methodologies, including history, religious studies, anthropology, sociology, visual arts, ethnology, politics, archaeology, tourism, economics, philosophy, theology, international relations, literature, psychology, translation, and regional studies. The series covers research from across the broad spectrum of the social sciences and humanities on all the regions of Japan, South Korea, China, Tibet, North Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Macao, and on international and multinational issues in which East Asia is the major point of focus. In addition, manuscripts or collected articles may uniquely address the key challenges facing the geopolitical region of East Asia, such as liberal philosophy, democratic governance, military insecurity, political transformation, economic fear, human rights, religious freedom, and environmental concerns.
Editor: David W. Kim, PhD, is a Visiting Fellow at the School of History of the Australian National University, Canberra, and an Associate Professor at Kookmin University, Seoul. He is a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, UK, a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, UK, and an editorial board member for Journal of Koreanology and Journal of Busan Studies. He acts as a peer-reviewer for Asian Studies, Cogent Social Science, and Korean Journal for Religious Studies. His research and teaching cover the history of religions, colonial studies, women and politics, new religious movements, Australia and Pacific cultures, Korean history, Gnosticism, Asian Christianity, and Coptic literature, among others. Kim has written 75 articles and nine books, including Sacred Sites and Sacred Stories Across Cultures: Transmission of Oral Tradition, Myth, and Religiosity (2021); New Religious Movements in Modern Asian History: Sociocultural Alternatives (2020); Daesoon Jinrihoe in Modern Korea: The Emergence, Transformation and Transmission of a New Religion (2020); Colonial Transformation and Asian Religions In Modern History (2018); Religious Transformation in Modern Asia: A Transnational Movement (2015); and Revivals Awaken Generations: A History of Church Revivals (2007).
Editorial Board:
Akira Nishimura (University of Tokyo),
Andrew Eungi Kim (Korea University),
Bart Dessein (Ghent University),
Christopher Hartney (University of Sydney),
Chris White (Purdue University, USA),
George D. Chryssides (York St John University, UK),
John Powers (Deakin University, Australia),
Joseph Tse-Hei Lee (Pace University, New York),
Kevin Cawley (University College Cork, Ireland),
Midori Horiuchi (Tenri University, Japan),
Philip Clart (Leipzig University, Germany),
Song-Chong Lee (University of Findlay, USA),
Thomas Michael (Beijing Normal University, China),
Won-il Bang (Seoul National University & Soongsil University), and
Yuet Keung Lo (National University of Singapore).
For the Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP), United Kingdom, see: https://www.cambridgescholars.com/pages/book-series?series_id=137