우리 대학 교양대학 데이비드 윌리엄 김(David William Kim)교수는 Modern History of Religions분야에서 비판적이고 논리적인 연구성과를 세계적인 역사학자들 가운데서 인정받아 이번에 영국 왕립역사학회 (The Royal Historical Society, United Kingdom)에서 평생 석학회원으로 선정되어 앞으로 인문역사분야의 유럽 (London) 출판사의 편집장, Research Principal Investigator (PI), A&HCI Journal Peer-reviwer로 국민대학교의 더 넓은 Global Network을 형성하게 되었다. 이 성과는 최근 그의 연구결과가 세계적으로 부각된 점에서 잘 조명되고 있다. 아래 원문은 the Royal Historical Society of the United Kingdom가 국제적인 학문적 리더십에 초대하는 내용을 간략히 소개하고 있다:

Asso. Prof. Dr. David William Kim
I, Professor Emma Griffin, President of the Royal Historical Society, am delighted to inform you (Asso. Prof. David William Kim) that at its last meeting on 6 May 2022, Council elected you a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (RHS) in recognition of your contribution to historical scholarship.
As a Fellow, you are eligible to vote in Council elections, to seek election to the RHS Council, and to apply for positions on the editorial boards of our various publications. You are also entitled to use the letters FRHistS after your name. We hope you will enjoy your association with the RHS and be able to take part in a range of the Society’s work and regular activities.
The RHS acts as a champion of History, both inside universities and within our culture, and as a Fellow you are invited to play a full part in our work and events. The Society’s programme for lectures, panels and training workshops in 2022 is available via the RHS website. … Please visit the Events section of the RHS website for more details of the 2022 programme, including how to register. We record all our online events and videos of previous RHS lectures are available.
To keep you up to date with RHS activities, including events, you will receive copies of the RHS Newsletter each May and November. The latest issue (November 2021) is available to read or download from the Society’s website, while the June 2022 Newsletter will be available soon. Fellows also receive our weekly e-circular of externally organised historical events and activities, as well as other occasional mailings relating to the Society’s work through the year. In addition, you are eligible to purchase the Society’s publications – the Camden Series of primary source titles, and the online Bibliography of British and Irish History – at specially reduced rates. For further details about these, and other, titles please go to the Publications area of our website. As a Fellow of the RHS, you may also visit the Society’s Library and Archive, both housed in our offices at University College London.
Congratulations on your election to the Fellowship. Our aim is to make the RHS a truly representative forum for all those involved in researching and disseminating History. To that end we will always be pleased to hear from you on any issues that you feel the Society should be aware of or in which you think it might be involved.
For the Royal Historical Society of the United Kingdom, see: https://royalhistsoc.org